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Phono-Graphix Certification Course

Phono-Graphix Course Competencies
Hours: 32 hours

The Phono-Graphix Reading Method is a phonetic-linguistic approach to teaching reading, based upon extensive clinical experience with children and rigorous research in the fields of reading, cognitive psychology, learning theory, child development, motivation theory and linguistics.

The Phono-Graphix Certification Courses are designed to show you how to replicate the results achieved at the Read America Clinic in Orlando, Florida, reported in the Orton Annals of Dyslexia and other clinical studies.

They guide you to gain knowledge and proficiency in how to teach the most challenging students to read with accuracy and fluency. They prepare you to teach new and emerging readers and to remediate reading problems at any age or ability, clinically one-on-one, in small groups and in classroom settings.

There are 3 formats available:

A self-paced online course that can be started at any time, from anywhere in the world.

  • Completion times vary but this course typically takes 32 hours, excluding the certification exam.
  • The course is comprised of short lecture segments, readings and quizzes. You also work with your own students to learn Phono-Graphix hands-on and complete written reports (each just a couple of paragraphs) about your sessions.
  • Regular ‘office hours’ via Zoom offer you the opportunity to drop in and ask questions and get feedback on your lesson presentations.

A live course scheduled and conducted by one of our independently licensed trainers, who provides personalized attention, practical experience, demonstrations, hands-on practice and mentorship as you begin working with your students.

  • Live courses are typically 32 hours of training, held over four days.
  • Trainers offering courses at their school sites can schedule out the courses as they choose, often spreading out the instruction over a school term.

A hybrid course that meshes short training sessions and job-embedded coaching conducted by a licensed trainer with self-paced online coursework to be done between the sessions.

  • The hybrid course is typically 32 hours: 8 training sessions (~2 hours each) with ~ 2 hours of self-paced coursework per session.

Standard 4 Structured Literacy Instruction

Substandard B: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

4B6. Know/apply in practice considerations for the principles of phonemic-awareness instruction: brief, multisensory, conceptual, articulatory, auditory-verbal.

Substandard C: Phonics and Word Recognition

4C1. Know/apply in practice considerations for the structure of English orthography and the patterns and rules that inform the teaching of single- and multisyllable regular word reading.

4C2. Know/apply in practice considerations for systematically, cumulatively, and explicitly teaching basic decoding and spelling skills.

4G3. Know/apply in practice considerations for research-based principles for teaching written spelling and punctuation